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Today's incredible-ness is brought to us by "Breaking Day". His thoughts are so complex, I have to break them down into smaller chunks so that 0ur simpler minds can digest them.

Breaking Day said...
OK, I just have to post a comment concerning the pics of Kate with Steve at Party City...

1. Why is a bodyguard needed in this situation? I literally cannot fathom why she would need a bodyguard here. I don't know of any "celebrities" who go out to the store with a bodyguard in tow.
Literally cannot fathom? Sound painful. Exactly when is a bodyguard supposed to do his guarding of the body if it's not when the celebrity is out in public.?

2. WTF is the bodyguard's company THINKING? This is ridiculously bad for their business---it implies a level of unprofessional behavior which is staggering. Who would ever use this company again?
Does anyone know what the fuck he's talking about? Breaking Day, will you please re-read the drivel that you write before you click Publish?

3. This is Kate's ultimate revenge on Jon. She knows, full-well, that Jon has been publicly humiliated. Whether or not the affair is true is NOT the point! It is widely known that Jon was very hurt by Kate being seen with Steve, and as a man myself, I can tell you how humiliated Jon must feel.
Let me guess. Breaking Day is out of work and has been for quite some time with no real prospects either.

Kate recognizes this fact, and she is EXPLOITING it. I've dated a few girls like this... they identify just what hurts the guy the most, and then they hammer away at it.
Seems like someone needs some counseling.

A few days ago, Jodi and Kevin went on record saying how hurt Jon was over this whole bodyguard business. Let's say that Kate isn't having an affair with him. Well, Jon is her HUSBAND. She should break all ties with Steve. Instead---Kate now parades around with Steve, WITH JON'S CHILDREN! Can you even imagine how destroyed Jon must be? His CHILDREN are now being looked after by the very guy that he thought Kate cheated on him with. Kate is doing this because she knows that it will hurt Jon as badly as possible. This is revenge. It is absolutely sickening. Are the kids going to start calling Steve "daddy?" Is Kate going to start having Steve hold their hands while out in public?
Yeah, this left me speechless too.

I'm just in awe that ANY man would go for Kate. There is literally nothing attractive about her. That's right---NOTHING. She's not a celebrity, she's not powerful, she's not hot. And she has EIGHT CHILDREN. WTF is this Steve guy doing?

It's all becoming more clear. Breaking Day is gay and blind.

Good god! Out of respect for HIS OWN WIFE, Steve should have NOTHING to do with Kate. Imagine how humiliated Steve's wife feels! Her friends, her family all see Steve on the cover of magazines with Kate, insinuating that they're lovers. I'm just in awe at how stupid and evil and cruel humans can be. 5/16/2009 6:02 PM
Had it not been for a word/character limitation, 'Breaking Day' told me that he meant to include ",my own behavior included." at the end of his last sentence.

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