Click here for iwhyawli's tongue-in-check version of GWOP's 954,012 posting rules. If you're wondering why GWOP has so many posting rules, you're not alone.
I'm no stranger to typos and grammatical problems myself, but I can usually get the one-line, seven-word comments right. Time to lay off the sauce, Sharla.
1 comment:
She probably doesn't get what you're talking about!!! HA!
Sit back, relax and enjoy while I hack on moms who like to pass judgment on other moms and dads.
All under the guise of [fingerquotes]good parenting[/fingerquotes] of course. It's my moral obligation. I'm sure you understand.
We are group of American nobodys. But unlike the nobodys at GWoP whose life mission is to save the Gosselin children from their oh so cruel mother and father, we don't consider our blogging efforts to be bonafide charity work. When we volunteer for humantarian causes, we actually log off the computer, get off our chairs and leave our houses. We have the shared desire that our disgust for these GWoP sows be centralized. Each post reflects the author's opinion, not necessarily that of the group but probably that of the group.
We want nothing more than for these GWoP sows to get a clue or to kill themselves, which ever comes first.
We want Jon and Kate to continue doing whatever it is they're currently doing to inspire such jealous outrage. It's hilarious to read.
We want the children of these GWoP saps to move into foster home so they can be loved by women who won't ignore them in lieu of monitoring the Internet for dirt on Jon & Kate.
We want all Americans to respectfully recognize that Moms (and Dads) who pass judgment on other Moms and Dads is is syptomatic of serious mental illness. Please don't let your kids go trick or treating at these people's homes.
Speak Up. Point, Laugh and publically mock these asshole moms whenever you can. I'm sure you know the type otherwise google "Battleaxe". They're the same women who monopolize the teacher's time on Parent Night, who frown upon bringing store bought items to the bake sale, and are always asking for advice on behalf of friends (wink, wink) who find a Playboy in the trunk of her husband's car.
Julie's Deleted Blog Posts
Fooled into thinking Aunt Jodi is a child advocate? Click here to read the first of her dear sister's deleted blog posts. There are 13 deleted posts in all. One more telling than the next.
You best think twice before sending any money to this GWOPPER (nhrp). A legal problem of sorts forced her into hiding and she now lives in a cave. Probably with Osama. Working as his camcorder guy (err, gal).
1 comment:
She probably doesn't get what you're talking about!!! HA!
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