I dare think not.
July 2009
July 2009

Our nation's current laughingstock, Aunt Jodi ! Pretty enough in the face but dumber than a box of rocks. Hobbies include unleashing papparazi on small children, general home-wrecking and selling out family members for profit. You couldn't possibly have created a bigger clusterf*ck. Congratulations, Aunt Jodi.
Who is the new gwopper of the month and where do you get the photo from?
Don't know who GWOPPER of the month is ... the pic was sent to me in an email titled "Satan".
LOL funny. I have a question for iwhyawli. Have you seen Us Weeky's cover from August 3rd? Titled "Kate's Sad Kids"? I couldn't help but laugh at it. On the cover is a supposed picture of Leah and Collin leaving looking "sad" after a "6 hour photo shoot"? However when my detective skills made me think to open this rag to read this article I saw the same picture. Except this time the whole family was in it AND the caption reads "Kate and her kids exited NYC's Essex House en route to the six hour TLC taping July 18". How the hell? So which one is it? Was the picture before or after the taping? I just had to laugh at such blatant lying garbage these people sell.
I just had to laugh at such blatant lying garbage these people sell.
And I laugh at the foolish, ignorant people (Gwoppers) who believe every word they print!
"Kate's Sad Kids: Shame on the Gosselin's!" ~ US Weekly
I wanted to scream when I saw that at the grocery store. What a BOLD display of hypocrisy and not to mention shifting the blame!
Is it even possible that gwop has a link to this rag? Not to be all "conspiracy nut" (we can leave that to the pros that have made bringing down Kate Gosselin their sole purpose for breathing) but clearly US Weekly has only furthered the cause of these fruits.
The thing about the supposed inhuman photo shoot that has been embellished to death is that the photo shoot was for ALL of the TLC shows... not just Jon and Kate. No one seems to mind that all 18 Duggars were at the same photo shoot... Since they walk on water, I guess the GWOPPERS gave them a free pass.
I wonder if the new "gwopper of the month" is Sharla/Peri? The title would fit. :)
Keep it up. You're stupidity is showing.
Gwop doesn't give a shit about the Duggars because when they did the Duggars without pity site, they got 0 traffic. They only talk about Kate because people are interested in her. Same thing with moon and DD. If Kate didn't draw traffic, they wouldn't give a damn about the "exploitation".
Keep it up. Your genius (and Gwop's stupidity) is showing.
You Might Be A GWOPPER-of-the-Month If...
You don't let your kids watch J&K plus 8 because you accuse Jon and Kate of "martial deviance."
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