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"Of course, people want to pay for my health care. Why wouldn't they?"
"I bathe myself on Mondays and Friday. That's it."
"I'm deep. You're deep. We're all deep."
Ya know what I really want? More than anything else, I want to find an older man with 8 kids and settle down.
Jon has a tiny dick but tons of money. And that's good enough for me!
"So, like, um, you're thinking the stoner base would rather spend money on dope than designer baby clothes? Bummer, dude."
"What's so totally cool, like, is that Jon, you know, picked me and, you know, I, you know, like, turned out to be the very thing that no one wants their kids to be. I'm like pretty proud of that. "
"If my parents had spanked me, I probably wouldn't be such a stupid, skank stoner."
"sh-yeah! (hiccup) I'd totally have a job by now if the economy totally didn't suck. F-ng Bush! "
"Do you know where (hiccup) I can get some more shit for my wrist?"
"Ed Hardy? Who's that?"
CAPTION: I Wonder if I Could Land the Valtrex Commercial with Jon Next, What Do You Think?
Possible GWoP passwords:
Katie Irene
Fried Twinkies R Yummy
Take off those f#cking bibs!
I'm not jealous
Aunt Jodi makes my nips hard
"I think I'm going to hurl."
My dad's a plastic surgeon, you'd think he could've done something with my face.
Courtney Love is my idol! Jon and I ADORE her!
I'm going to be a stepmother to 8 kids. Keep the drugs coming.
You don't think I'll have to have sex with him, do you? He's so nasty looking and flabby, it'll just be too gross! Ugh. Change the subject!
Bartender! Tequila please!
Co-respondant? I don't have any assets! I'll never have any assets!
"El Salvador is a country?"
Can you believe it! Daddy threatened to cut me off financially, so of course I had to find me a sugar daddy ASAP and who better then our family friend Jon Gosselin, the perfect opportunity with their marital problems, I JUMPED at it! Jon's my meal ticket to fame, *deep cigar smoking harhar* *hiccup*! Move over Mischa Barton, here I come!
Waiter....bring another pitcher and round of shots, this girl's thirsty!
Yay, to my new sugar daddy dough boy.
I think we'll get Jon to sign up with Jenny Craig, make a little extra on the side. Already have my ex-bi-girlfriend sending in my photos to Radar to play this one up and make some more cha-ching.
yeah, that is a target on the side of my face.
Well ya know, if Jon and I have one more, we could field a baseball team and make a reality series from that! Sell the baseball gear, the works! Ya know? (hiccup)
yeah, like I thought I'd just, like, use Jon awhile, until I get a call for a full SPREAD in Playboy, then I'll ditch the spare tire boy toy. ya know.
shhh...I'm just using Jon to get to Kate *flicks tongue*
well...let's see.....umm..the twins are like going to be 9, so that's 18, and the tups are each 5, so 6 times 5, 30. So yeah, umm 40 some thing right? Their combined ages are higher them my IQ...shit! F-in A! That's higher then Jon's and mine combined!
"I know his total financial assets are in the millions, but I love him for who he is on the inside."
I never meant to be a homewrecker, but it is what it is, ya know? He has money and those kids are a huge cash flow opportunity, I cannot just let that pass me by, do you get me?
well I am hoping to get him to knock me up too, then I can pull in huge child support payments BEFORE his divorce is finalized!
LisaK's blog has been suspended for TOS violation.
YAY!! That will teach her! (that blog violating TOS) Probably because she turned in some one who was harassing her blog, they went and took a look and saw what she was doing was WAY worse on her blog! The ding dong probably got her own blog suspended.
Can I do one of your happy dances iwhyawli?
Beware of hate comments coming in here now, hope that does not last long for you iwhywali.
WOW, that would be great if they forced it to close, I thought of flagging her old two blogs to have them shut down.
That is two blogs now hopefully closed, maybe more to come. Less GWOP mentality/mob/hatred crapola.
That just MADE my day!
"She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" got her blog suspended?
Ok who used the Avada Kadavra spell?
I'm thinking of taking that ring, ditching Jon, pawning it off for some money to score some more drugs, we could paarrrrtay!
I'll hang in there awhile, see what more I can squeeze out of him and his 8 kids first, after all I can justify it, Dad did give his wife a tummy tuck for free, so it's my way of making sure Daddy gets paid back!
Yeah, I'll go with that rationalization, these drugs sure mess up my thinking some times, I feel so spacey.
Haha, okay, who called up Moon and asked for advice on putting a spell on some one's blog?
Maybe Kate reported it FINALLY! Jon would be too spaced out on doobie fumes, but maybe Kate took the initiative to report that RECK of a woman's blog! Although she took her followers back to her old reliable blogger blog, their vowing to NOT talk about this blog or the blog owner again. Their upset though, and still doing the strong arming act. R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S that the blog mod won't ever learn, but she KNOWS people. Probably has a list of hitmen on speed dial, the psycho needs some medication BIGDOGTIME! Crazies attract crazies.
Woot woot, either way. whatever drama they be experiencing today, they deserve, or I agree, like the above poster stated, she probably thought she was sly in turning in whomever she CLAIMED was pestering her blog or whatever her whino was ranting, and they did review it and she ended up getting her own blog in trouble. That would be HILARIOUS.
On another blog, is it true they have a GWOP without pity don't need our pity without pity blog?
Or is this someone who just made up a creative blog to take a photo of. Sort of cute, their mission statement.
N E Way, good job to whomever reported her, or good job to herself if she got herself shut down. :C)~
She's threatening or claiming she's turned this blog in now to blogger. She'll get her blogger one's closed next, she is self destructing her own blogs.
*sings* another one down...another one BITES the dust!
Cheers to one less HATE J&K Gossip Blog! More moms able to go spend time with their children again, and not be a Jon Gosselin going off the deep end with no floaties.
yeah, jon and I were smoking some doobies and surfing Gosselin hate blogs, we saw this one and reported it for TOS violations, so we were smart enough after they photoshopped Jon's belly and Kate's behind, they were being very mean and maliscious, it should be shut down by today! Bummer for them...then when they posted my photos all over their blog, the one with me falling into the tree, I had to stop it. Jon was like, Hailey baby doll, we need to take some action. They may be able to cross Jon and Kate on Ms. Reckless's, I'd love to be in a cat fight with that beotch from THAT blog! I'd pull her hair, spit in her face, scratch her up some thing FIERCE.
JON: I love it when you get pissed Hailey, you're my little spitfire.
Maybe the fake lawyer hubby of "the now VIOLATED FOR TOS blog", could be nice enough to read the TOS to his wife or draw stick figures to help her understand how she violated WP's TOS. Maybe she's been smoking some of Hailey's stash and wiped out some of her common sense neurons.
Anyone could read those TOS and see she was violating most of them with the content to her blog.
So she can sit in her own pile of pity, she did it to herself.
But with a legal adviser as a pretend spouse, she'll still continue her life's mission and obsession until she gets the court papers served on her hateful blogging behind.
Stalkers never learn, they just keep on harassing and bullying, until the law shuts them down or puts them in orange. Just in time for her Halloween costume, THE GREAT PUMPKIN! Coming soon, to a blogging theater or xtranormal video near you!
for THE LAWYER HUBBY OF THE "She Who Must Not Be Named' blog to read to his wifey in bed tonight to help her understand where she went wrong.
Maybe he can put it in lament's terms for her bubble gum blowing mind to comprehende or help her followers understand that the material they post, the url's they link to, the things they say, the violence they threaten, has consequences.
Like how children get in trouble on a playground when bullying another child around, or violating the school playground rules, they get detention.
Applauds the person who sent her blog to the TIME OUT rug!
Costume jewelry, my ass! I'm into rings dripping with black diamonds!
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