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Apologies to Pat-the-Movie-Creator

Pat submitted a movie to us that I've somehow overlooked (despite having just recently declared myself a computer expert). Its subject matter is certainly timely and it nicely captures (especially through sound effects) how we all seem to be feeling about Jon this week.

You better straighten up, Jon. Pat is getting honked off at you!

Please enjoy:

Go Jon! by Pat.

Pat, I hope you will please accept iwhyawli's apologies.




Didn't you say you had another one?

mdew said...

Well done, Pat. Thumbs up. Does extranormal have a barfing sound effect? Perhaps you could incorporate that one into a new movie titled "Hailey Sorta Goes to College"

Pat said...

Thank you for setting up the movie. I hope everyone liked it. They are so fun to make.
I'm glad they are acceptable here because they sure aren't at GWOP. I can't figure out why!! HA!

Pat said...

You'll have to clue me in on Hailey Sorta Goes to College. I don't know what that's about. You can make your own movie there. Yes, I believe there is a barfing sound effect.

Pat said...

Apologies certainly accepted. I'm just glad it was ok to use.

nonAmus said...

hehe, cute Pat!

now we need one on planning their wedding (beings he is engaged now and gave her a black scull ring with diamonds in it (was on XM Radio last night)) It can be the Gosselin Goth Wedding!!

I lub the movies guys! Still trying to get brave enough to submit one.


Here ya go! TEHE. This one was so very fun to work on.